Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Spoon By Any Other Name

My amazing RABlogweek comes to an end with this post.
It was the easiest one to write.
Each blogger was asked to talk about "Great Blogs I Have Read."
Mine came to me immediately.
Not long after I began writing for Creaky Joints ( I found this post and it was the perfect way to answer so many of the questions about how I deal with my health as soon as people discover how long I lived with RA and the several auto-immune diseases I have.
It's called "The Spoon Theory" and was written by a woman with Lupus, Christine Miserandino.
You can read it yourself at
For those who haven't I'll try to explain it.
Let's pretend I have 12 spoons waiting for me every morning when I wake up.
I open my eyes, try to move and discover everything hurts. Still, I have to get up.
That's one spoon.
I've got to reach the place I keep all my prescriptions, get them out and take them.
One more spoon.
On a good day, maybe just one spoon for breakfast and getting dressed and another spoon to drive to work.
There are eight spoons left. If you have a high level job it may take two spoons to get through to lunch.
Before you waste that energy on getting lunch, better go through your afternoon to make sure you'll have enough spoons to get home, take meds, fix dinner, clean up a bit, take nighttime meds and go to bed.
If you run out, you've hit the wall and will have to have someone come and take care of you.
Sometimes you get through a day fine.
Some days there aren't enough spoons.
The blog on the link tells it so much better, but even my husband will ask if I think I can go somewhere or do something with my friends without collapsing.
Between you and me, I hate it when he's right, and he is more and more often.

1 comment:

  1. I apologize for dropping in on your blog like this, feel free to post or not post the comment.

    I want to let you know, that I opened a survey this afternoon for RABlog week 2016. I hope you will drop by and answer a few questions about Blog week so I can do some planning. The survey link is:

    Rick Phillips
